Sa ne testam!

Eu nu citesc carti seara, nu de alta, dar nu vreau sa adorm iar cartiile pe care as vrea sa le citesc nu le am... deci hoinaresc pe net cautand ceva interesant. Azi am gasit niste teste.
Asta a fost interesant de parcurs, desi nu am aflat nimic nou... dar cel care m-a amuzat a fost: "What type of thinker are you?"

You are an Intrapersonal thinker
Intrapersonal thinker
Intrapersonal thinkers:
  • Spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to understand themselves
  • Reflect on their thoughts and moods, and work to improve them
  • You understand how your behaviour affects your relationships with others
Like intrapersonal thinkers, Leonardo worked hard to improve all aspects of himself.
Other Intrapersonal thinkers include
Sigmund Freud, Gandhi, Grahame Greene

Careers which suit Intrapersonal Thinkers include
Psychologist, Teacher, Pilot, Child care worker, Explorer, Drama therapist

P.S. Mi-am gresit cariera...


  1. ce faine incercat unu dar sunt la birou si nu pot sa-i ofer prea mult timp...dar le voi incerca zilele astea....just for fun.

  2. Ha! As fi un bun profesor, politician, asistent medical sau psiholog(dar pentru asta studiez acum). Adica mi-am gasit profesia!? :D

  3. Se pare ca da. Nu vrei canapeaua verde pentru terapia cu pacientii? :))

  4. Inclin sa spun ca da! Stiu cativa oameni care ar merita sa se aseze cateva minute pe canapeaua verde! :D


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