Pantofii fac parte din obsesiile femeilor, alaturi de genti, cosmetice si, si... avem multe, dar azi reflectoarele cad pe ceea ce ne ajuta sa ajungem la inaltime, adica tocurile.
Indiferent de ceea ce ne dicteaza trend-urile, fiecare dintre noi stie exact cum arata pantoful perfect. De la forma varfului, la culoare, material pana la numarul de cm ai tocului.
De ce purtam tocuri? This is the question.
7 motive (si cateva iecspicatii) pentru care as cumpara o pereche de pantofi cu toc (motive pur subiective):
- Pentru ca desi am in jur de 1.70 tot vreau sa ma catar. Explicatie: cand eram mica ma urcam in cires, acum sunt mare si ma urc pe tocuri. Old habit.
- Pentru ca piciorul arata mult mai bine decat in balerini. Explicatie: daca femeile au o pasiune pentru achizitionarea pantofilor, barbatii au o pasiune pentru cele care le poarta.
- Pentru ca prefer sa mor pe tocuri decat in tenesi. Explicatie: nu am, dar am o intrebare tampita... oare pitzipoancele au un outfit special si pentru inmormantare?
- Pentru ca ma simt mai confortabil si mai increzatoare. Ce vrei? Explicatie? N-am. Pleaca.
- Pentru ca adauga un strop de culoare oricarei tinute. Exercitiu de imaginatie: Camasa alba, barbateasca si tocuri. I think it's sexy. Acum imi mai trebuie doar o camasa... dar sa continuam.
- Pentru ca imi plac sporturile extreme. Explicatie: incercati o plimbare pe tocuri, dar pe piatra cubica. Adrenalina curata.
- Pentru ca e un lucru tipic feminin, alaturi de fusta si parul lung (rockerul scotian nu se pune).
abs? esp? 4x4?
RăspundețiȘtergereAbs, esp si 16! Toate la un loc, astazi la un pret special! :))
RăspundețiȘtergereThere are several studies that have explored high heels from an evolutionary/biological perspective. It turns out that high heels raise the buttocks by around 20-30 degrees (depending on the size of the heel). In other words, it is an anti-gravity device meant to create a more youthful figure given that the effects of gravity are less than complimentary as we age. Hence, a Gestalt is created by the high heel, which caters to men's evolved visual preferences. As might be expected then, several consumption settings wherein sexuality is sold or promoted by women to men, will involve the wearing of high heels. Examples include the proclivity of pornographic actresses, strippers, and bikini models to wear high heels in film scenes, strip clubs, and beauty competitions respectively.
RăspundețiȘtergereI should note that the wearing of high heels is the direct cause of severe podiatric injuries. That fact notwithstanding, this is not a manifestation of the evil patriarchy seeking to uncover new ways to harm women. Rather, both sexes go to great lengths to be impressive in the mating market, even if some of these attempts are self-harming (e.g., men engage in risky mating-relating behaviors that are exceptionally dangerous, as a means of impressing women).
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention a recent study by a woman urologist who apparently found that the wearing of high heels strengthens a woman's pelvic floor muscles, leading to improved sex.
Bottom line: the wearing of high heels is a win-win situation (sexy to men's eyes and better sex for women), unless you are a short man dwarfed by your high-heeled mate. [dr. Gad Saad [Why are high heels so enticing ]
Nice :d
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