In urma cu 30 minute twitteream cu baga despre telefoane nokia si schwarzberry, dell-uri si Apple. Of course, intr-un moment de sclipire l-am facut pe Gates actionar la APPL. Booing! Penalizare from iMaster?
Intre timp l-am cautat pe Steve Jobs pe Twitter si am ras sanatos:
1. If the glass on your iPhone cracked, you're dropping it the wrong way.
2. Friends don't let friends use Windows.
3. Once you go Mac, you can't go back.
4. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and will also get you sued for patent infringement.
5. I refuse to accuse Amazon of hijacking the ebook market. That would be the iPod calling the Kindle black.
6. Don't worry. Be appy.
7. When Chuck Norris holds the iPhone 4 the signal increases.
8. You can't "use" a Mac. The Mac uses you.
9. Just found a Microsoft Courier prototype in a bar... Left it there.
10. I renamed my iPod 'The Titanic.' Now when I plug it in, iTunes tells me 'The Titanic is syncing.'
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